Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

Adjective clauses

The adjective clause is a dependent clause that function as an adjective. It is a part of a sentence wich gives us more information about a noun or a pronoun.


Noun: is a word that refers to a thing, an action, a person, an animal, a quality, a place, or an idea.
Pronoun: is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. The most common are the personal pronouns that can function as a subject or the object of the verb. 
Dependent clause: is a clause that does not form a simple sentence and is connected to the a main clause.

How we can use adjective clauses?

🍋 Who, Wich and That are used as subjects of verbs in adjective clauses.
🍋 Who, Whom, Wich, or That are used as objects in adjective clauses.
🍋 Who and Whom are used for people, not things.
🍋 Who can be a subject but Whom can only be an object.
🍋 Whom is much formal than Who
🍋 That can be used for people and things.
🍋 Which is only used for things.

The whole clause together will work like an adjective, also, it will give information about a noun somewhere in the sentence.

We can find 2 types of adjective clauses:

Defining adjective clause: it tells you something about the noun and we don't use a comma.


I called my sister Susan who lives in New York.

🍋 We can use THAT instead of wich or who.
🍋 The relative pronoun can sometimes be ommited.

Modifying adjective clause: it helps to add more information, we need to add a comma.
* It is also known as non-defining adjective clause.


My sister Susan, who lives in New York, is younger than me.

🍋 We can not use THAT instead of which or who.
🍋 The relative pronoun can not be ommited.

Reported speech

We use reported speech to report or write down what somebody has said; it is necessary to change the tense that we use in direct speech to another in reported speech.


Present Simple 👉 Past Simple

I am happy. 👉  She said (that) she was happy.

Present Continuous 👉  Past Continuous

I am eating the cake. 👉  She said (that) she was eating the cake.

Present perfect 👉 Past Perfect

I have bought a new blue dress. 👉  She said (that) she had bought a new blue dress.

Simple Past 👉  Past Perfect

I drove to Canada Yesterday. 👉  He said (that) he had driven to Canada the day before.

Will 👉  Would

I will finish my homework in 1 week. 👉  He said (that) he would finish his homework in 1 week.

Can 👉  Could

I can't understand British people. 👉  She said (that) she couldn't understand British people.

May 👉  Might 

I may invite them to breakfast. 👉  He said (that) he might invite them to the breakfast.

Must 👉  Had to

I must go to the kitchen and get some food. 👉  She said (that) she had to go to the kitchen to get some food.

   *These charts can help you to understand the tenses change.
The topic Adjective clause is quite simple, is just to know the correct implementation of each word. It can be confusing with some words but it's just to pay attention which word is better in each situation. It is different with Reported speech, it's niether easy nor difficult because you must know which tense you need to use and also use the correct structure but if you know that information it is easy. I realized need to practice tenses again. 😕
This week we wrote our first essay, it was stressful because it was my first essay written by myself, I had problems concentrating only on writing because all the distractions in my home. I did my best to try finish it; in fact, I finished like 3 hours before the deadline. At the end of the day, I was exhausted and happy.
