Adverbs and Podcasts!


An adverb is a word that we can use to modify verbs, adjectives, phrases, or sentences; they provide a description of where, when, how, how much, how often, something is done or happens. We can identify an adverb with the ending -ly, but there are a lot of adverbs who don't end like that. 

There are 7 types of adverbs:

🌳 Adverbs of frequency

They are used to express time or how often something occurs. There are 2 types of frequency adverbs: indefinite frequency and definitive frequency.

Indefinite frequency: they have an unclear meaning of how often or how long the event occur. We are going to write these adverbs after the main verb or between the auxiliary verb and infinitive.


I will never hate you.

I will always love you.

I usually buy my clothes at the store.

She normally eats six meals a day.

Definitive frequency: they will be placed at the end of the sentence.


The newspaper is bought daily.

She gets paid hourly.

He paid his subscrition montly.

🌳Adverbs of manner

There are used to explain how an action is carried out. In some cases adverbs of manner are adjectives with an -ly ending (is not always the case), others are adjectives with the same spelling.


She was playing happily with her toys.

They deal with the problem efficiently.

James sings well.

🌳 Adverbs of place

There are used to explain where an action happens; this adverbs will be associated with the action of the verb in a sentence, providing context for direction, position and distance.



New York is located north of Philadelphia.

The traveled down the riverside.


The dog is sleeping on the couch.

Oscar, move forward to the front of Melissa.


His children go everywhere with him.

Sam is sitting close to me. 

🌳Adverbs of time

There are used to tell us when something happens.


She will visit the restaurant next week.

I will go to the doctor tommorrow.

My mom visited my brother's house yesterday.

🌳Adverbs of evaluation

They are used to express the attitude of the speaker ot the writer about the information in the clause that follows. These type of adverbs are usually placed before the clause that it modifies, and it is set off by a coma.


Sara is clearly happy to be here. 

Honestly, I could eat another bite.

Hopefully, I will pass the test.

🌳Conjunctive Adverbs 

They are used to link ideas or clauses in spoken discourse or written text. Also, they are known as linking adverbs.


I don't want to go; besides, I am too tired.

Furthemore, they had not consulted with her. 

Hurry up; otherwise, you will be late for the lecture.

🌳Adverbs of degree

They are used to express degrees of qualities, properties, states, conditions, and relations.


She is not absolutely certain that she posted it.

The house was completeley destroyed by the fire.

He almost finished his homework. 

My first real podcast!

This week, my friend Mary Ángel and I created our first podcast. We answered some questions and shared our thougths about some responding to a reading essays. 
First, we discussed some questions about the chart in the image above.
Then, we talked about a response essay of the article "The end of privacy" by Adam Penenberg and finally we discussed and shared our thougths about article "Kids May Be Right After All: Homework Stinks" by Alfie Kohn.

🌳🌳This is the link where you can hear our first podcast and this is the link where you can see my friend's blog!  


It was an interesting week because I never did a podcast before and I never published something in YouTube before!! It was funny in some moments because my classmate and I, we are friends and we talked about a lot of weird things, in some moments we laughed and laughed and we needed to calm down before doing the podcast. It was interesting but I don't want to do it again, it makes me feel nervous 😂.
